All in Nourriture

Hail Seitan

Seitan? Yes Seitan, not Satan. While we don’t condone the idea of being sent to the fiery pits of hell for our wrongs on earth, we would like to believe that our efforts in minimizing our carbon footprint might save us from purgatory.

Vegan Matcha Latte

Dairy Free, Cruelty Free, Matcha Drink. Coffee alternative sustains energy in a state of calm alertness. Natural sweeteners, organic drink that doesn't leave you with a spike of energy with a subsequent crash. Take less than 5 minutes to prepare this slightly sweet Japanese classic.

Savory Sweet Potato Toast

Sweet potatoes are under appreciated and under utilized in meals. Incorporate them into your breakfast (or lunch) with this savory sweet potato toast recipe. With the option to tweak the recipe for a sweet tooth, this filling, nutritious, and cruelty free meal won’t disappoint.

Sustainability Spotlight: Adam Kukoff

NUTSOLA bars can be made in four easy steps and they are delicious for anyone who enjoys cooking at home, reducing their waste, and getting crafty in the kitchen. These bars are preservative free, non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, and have no added sugar. Guilt-free goodness! Check out their Instagram to stay up-to-date with their food festivals and events. Stay sustainable, millennials and keep your eyes peeled for an exciting giveaway.